Turtle Tracks Update for October 2013

Jimmy Irwin on 10-14-12.  What a beautiful turtle!

Jimmy Irwin on 10-14-12. What a beautiful turtle!

Catherine and Jimmy Irwin are doing very well however, in late September Catherine’s transmitter began emitting a strange signal that was very hard to track (see video).  I was instructed by the company that manufactured the unit to remove it and send it back to them for repair.  I have since received a new transmitter and attached it to Catherine, the signal is strong and she is doing well.  Jimmy was about 300 feet west of his usual overwintering area and looked well.

Below is a video update of Catherine and her transmitter incident and Jimmy Irwin.


If the video does not play try following this link:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEZxcAQPcok  to watch the video on Youtube.

For more information on the Turtle Tracks and Snake Tracks projects and Earthshine Nature Programs please visit us at www.earthshinenature.com

It is our goal at ENP to promote wildlife conservation of our misunderstood wildlife through exciting hands-on education, outreach programs, conservation based field research programs, and online with our nature documentary video series.

We are not paid nor do we collect a salary to operate ENP or to conduct our wildlife conservation activities. ENP is a 100% volunteer operated program designed to educate you about these greatly misunderstood and amazing animals and hopefully, to impart to you, their beauty, uniqueness and intrinsic value to a healthy Earth and healthy humans.

THANK YOU SO MUCH to all of you who have donated to ENP over the years!! Without all of you, our wildlife conservation and education mission would just not be possible – your support makes this important work happen. If you would like to support Earthshine Nature Programs please feel free to donate by visiting http://www.earthshinenature.com/donate

Music by John Mason and the Steep Canyon Rangers used with written permission.

Video and editing by Steve O’Neil


Earthshine Nature Programs is in no way affiliated or responsible for ads that may appear below this line.


Wildlife Conservation in a Nissan Leaf EV

A few days ago I drove my Nissan Leaf deep into the forest in search of Zoe the Timber Rattlesnake!  As many of you already know, I am following in Zoe’s tracks in order to learn more about the natural movements of a wild Timber rattlesnake in it’s natural habitat.  Then I bring my experiences and knowledge to the world via this blog and my Youtube chanel, in the hopes of teaching you a bit about the beautiful and greatly misunderstood world of the Timber Rattlesnake.

Today I found Zoe at the same location where she has been since early June–the clearing in the forest.  It is so late in the year I believe she has decided to overwinter at this location. 

This snake tracking excursion was probably the first time a Nissan Leaf has been used as a Timber rattlesnake tracking vehicle and possibly the first time a Leaf has been used in a wildlife conservation field project.    


After driving to the top of a steep mountain, parking at the end of a gravel road on a foggy, darkening mountainside I located Zoe and collected the vital biometric data and got ready to head home–that went easy but the adventure was not over.  I noticed that my range gauge (aka Guess-O-Meter or GOM) said that I had ~41 miles of range remaining on my charge so I decided to take a remote, steep, one lane gravel road through the deep forest in order to benefit from the most regenerative braking and gravity assist (downhill) as possible to extend my range.  The only issue I foresaw was near the bottom of the narrow, windy, dark, remote track in the forest–a creek crossing–yes, a creek crossing.  It was a small creek but it must be crossed in order to make it back to the pavement.  So, like any true pioneer I turned off the safety of the pavement and into the dark forest I plunged with LED headlights cutting laser-like paths in the foggy blackness of the deepening night.  Down and down the narrow, steep road wound until I came to the recent thunderstorm ravaged, flash flood swollen and boulder strewn creek…oh wait, that is another story. The creek was rather small and quiet and about 8″ deep but still I wondered:  would I tear out the bottom panels of the leaf on the rocks in the creek?  Would the leaf flounder and get stuck? Would it um…short out?  Like electrons through a wire all these questions and more went through my mind at warp speed…but I could not go back or turn around because the road was to narrow to do so…I was committed so I plunged into the creek…slowly…and the Leaf charged across with no apparent ill effects–woo hoo!!  Without so much as a wheel spin or slippage the Leaf negotiated the creek and the entire journey with no problems at all. While it may not be a 4×4 it is a very sure footed and capable car for steep, mountainous, gravel roads…and yes, even shallow creek crossings.

I must say that the car performed admirably while quietly climbing steep, wet mountain gravel roads without issue.  When I reached the bottom of the trek I realized that I had regenerated over 23 miles of range just by rolling downhill–amazing! Free power means more range, less money out of my pocket and less power I have to suck from the outlet and therefore a cheaper, cleaner and greener ride!  I can feel my carbon footprint shrinking!

When I arrived at home I glanced at the GOM and noticed that it was sitting on 41 miles range–the same range I had when I was at the top of the mountain at the start of the trek–truly amazing–the 12 mile drive home was powered by the car for free!

Watch the video of the adventure below!

The Leaf is an amazing vehicle!


A few days after my snake tracking adventure I found myself in the city charging my Leaf alongside a Chevy Volt.

Premium Parking + Free Power = Pure Bliss.


Snake Tracks is a Timber Rattlesnake conservation and research project occurring near Earthshine Discovery Center in the mountains of western North Carolina, USA. Through the magic of modern technology and allot of hard volunteer work by a wildlife conservationist and his small crew of volunteers, glimpse into the lives of two wild Timber rattlesnakes in their natural habitats. For more detailed info on the project please take a look at the website at: http://www.earthshinenature.com

Follow us on our blog at: www.earthshinenature.wordpress.com

It is our goal at ENP to promote wildlife conservation through our unique, exciting, citizen science based, hands-on education, out-reach programs, and online with our nature videos, blog and website.

We are not paid to operate ENP or to conduct wildlife conservation activities. ENP is a 100% volunteer operated and donation funded organization. It is our mission to educate you about these beautiful but greatly misunderstood animals and hopefully, to impart to you their beauty, uniqueness and intrinsic value to a healthy Earth, healthy wildlife and healthy humans.

THANK YOU to all of you who have donated to ENP over the years!! Without you this important reptile conservation and education work would not happen. If you would like to support Earthshine Nature Programs please feel free to donate by visiting


You may also donate supplies such as animal foods, medical supplies, vitamins and habitat supplies just contact us for more information on what supplies we are in need of and how to donate.

Music by The Steep Canyon Rangers www.steepcanyon.com used with permission.

Bluewater Leaf is not responsible or affiliated in any way with ads that may appear below this line.


Snake Tracks Field Update for 9-21-13

Field update for the Earthshine Nature Programs Snake Tracks Timber rattlesnake conservation project for September 21, 2013.

Zoe remains in the small clearing in the forest where she has been since mid June. I found her today basking at the edge of the forest on a stump.   Take a look at the photo below–this is how I found Zoe today!


This time last year Zoe was already on the move toward her overwintering area on the north side of the mountain.  Why she is waiting so long to depart, only she knows.

Safety note: Zoe was only about 50 feet from the parked camper. If you are the owner of this camper, please be careful when walking in the area around dusk and dawn during the summer months.

Utsanati has close to half a mile since the last time I located him.  I found him on the move and outstretched on the leaf litter.  He was in the open, on a sun warmed ridge about 30 feet from the debris associated with a fallen oak and only about 60-80 feet from his overwintering location.  He did not feel comfortable enough with my presence so he slowly crawled off into the nearby tangle of timber.

Below is a photo of Utsanati as I first found him.

utsanati9.21.13aThe next photo is of Utsanati after he started to move off.

utsanati9.21.13bIt is interesting how he was holding his head up high in a “cobra-like” stance.  This is the first time I have seen this behavior in Timber rattlesnakes.    It is also interesting to note that he never rattled or acted aggressive in any way–only very slowly moved off with almost no sound at all in order to escape the human interloper.

Take a look at the video from today below.

If the video does not play try following this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMneMJ6KgIE” to watch the video on Youtube.

What will they do next?

For more information on the Snake Tracks project and Earthshine Nature Programs please visit us at www.earthshinenature.com

It is our goal at ENP to promote wildlife conservation through exciting hands-on education, out-reach programs, and online with our nature videos, blog and website. We are not paid to operate ENP or to conduct wildlife conservation activities. ENP is a 100% volunteer operated organization with the mission to educate you about these greatly misunderstood and amazing animals and hopefully, to impart to you their beauty, uniqueness and intrinsic value to a healthy Earth and healthy humans.

THANK YOU SO MUCH to all of you who have donated to ENP over the years!! Without all of you, our wildlife conservation and education mission would just not be possible – your support makes this important work happen. If you would like to support Earthshine Nature Programs please feel free to donate by visiting http://www.earthshinenature.com/donate

Music by The Steep Canyon Rangers www.steepcanyon.com used in our videos with permission.

Earthshine Nature Programs is in no way affiliated or responsible for ads that may appear below this line.


Snake Tracks Field Update for 8-3-13

Field update for the Earthshine Nature Programs Snake Tracks Timber rattlesnake conservation project for August 03, 2013.

Zoe remains in the small clearing in the forest where she has been since mid June. I found her today basking out in the open ~5 feet from the edge of the forest. I wonder if she is gravid! She was darker than I have ever seen her–I did not even believe it was her at first until I identified her distinctive markings.  Take a look at the photo below–this is how Zoe looked today!


Safety note: Zoe was only about 40 feet from the parked camper. If you are the owner of this camper, please be careful when walking in the area around dusk and dawn during the summer months.

Utsanati has moved a few hundred feet west of his last location in the berry patch. We found him in a resting coil beside a large fallen tree.

What will they do next?

It is our goal at ENP to promote wildlife conservation through exciting hands-on education, out-reach programs, and online with our nature videos, blog and website. We are not paid to operate ENP or to conduct wildlife conservation activities. ENP is a 100% volunteer operated organization with the mission to educate you about these greatly misunderstood and amazing animals and hopefully, to impart to you their beauty, uniqueness and intrinsic value to a healthy Earth and healthy humans.

THANK YOU to all of you who have donated to ENP over the years!! Without you this important work would not happen. You may also donate supplies such as animal foods, medical supplies, vitamins and habitat supplies. If you would like to support Earthshine Nature Programs please feel free to donate by visiting http://www.earthshinenature.com/donate

Visit http://www.earthshinediscovery.com to learn how you and your family, school, scout, corporate or camp group, can visit the Earthshine Discovery Center and have a wonderful fun and educational retreat!

Music by The Steep Canyon Rangers www.steepcanyon.com used with permission.

Take a look at the video from today below.

If the video does not play try following this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XShu4Z-ooY to watch the video on Youtube.

For more information on the Snake Tracks project and Earthshine Nature Programs please visit us at www.earthshinenature.com

It is our goal at ENP to promote wildlife conservation through exciting hands-on education, outreach programs and online with our nature videos.

I am not paid to operate ENP or to conduct wildlife conservation activities. ENP is a 100% volunteer operated project designed to educate you about these greatly misunderstood and amazing animals and hopefully, to impart to you, their beauty, uniqueness and intrinsic value to a healthy Earth and healthy humans.

If you would like to help support Earthshine Nature Programs please feel free to donate using this link: http://www.earthshinenature.com/donate. Receipts available upon request. You may also donate supplies such as animal foods, medical supplies, reptile vitamins and habitat supplies. If you are interested in donating any of these items please contact us for more information on our current needs.

THANK YOU Earthshine Discovery Center and everyone who have helped make Earthshine Nature Programs happen! Without all of you our wildlife conservation and education mission would not be possible.
Visit the Earthshine Discovery Center to learn how you and your family, school, scout, corporate or camp group, can visit us and have a wonderful, fun and educational retreat!

Music by The Steep Canyon Rangers used with written permission. www.steepcanyon.com

Earthshine Nature Programs is in no way affiliated or responsible for ads that may appear below this line.


Snake Tracks and Turtle Tracks Field Update for 7-16-2013

Field update for the Earthshine Nature Programs Snake Tracks Timber Rattlesnake and Turtle Tracks Eastern Box Turtle Conservation projects for July 16, 2013.

Since my last report Utsanati has moved almost .25 mile to the southwest.  He is in an area only about 30-40 feet from the spot where I first discovered him in June of 2011.  He has been in this area of thick herbaceous brush, vines, blackberries and Multiflora rose at the edge of the forest for about three weeks.  I believe he is there because the area offers many great opportunities for food, shelter and thermoregulation.

Zoe has remained in the area of the clearing near the top of the waterfall for the last month.  The well drilling machinery have departed leaving only a quiet clearing for her to thermoregulate, feed and who knows…possibly gestate her young?  I do not know because I have been unable to visually locate Zoe in the last few weeks due to not only her elusiveness but also my schedule allowing me to locate her only late in the day and not being able to visually locate her due to falling light levels.  Hopefully, the next time I locate her she will show herself and I will be able to determine if she is gravid or not.

Jimmy Irwin and Catherine the Eastern Box Turtles continue to follow the same patterns I have found them to follow over the last 5 years. They are both doing well and in good health. Catherine journeyed over the ridge last month to lay her eggs in the neighbors yard. I did not see her nesting but had a report from our neighbor Tom that she was “digging holes on the edge of the driveway” so I can now say with almost 100% certainty that she journeys over the ridge with the sole purpose to nest and lay her eggs. Why does she go almost 1/4 of a mile away? Why does she not nest closer to home where she can find similar environmental conditions an just deposit her eggs on her side of the ridge? Only Catherine knows for sure but I believe that she ventures over the ridge because maybe, just maybe she was born in Tom’s yard over 50 years ago and her instinct tells her to return to that very spot to lay her eggs. Just like a sea turtle returns to the beach of its birth, maybe box turtles return to the area of their birth to lay their eggs? It is just another big question that needs to be answered about the beautiful eastern box turtle that will help turtle conservationists everywhere preserve and protect these wonderful living gems of the forest.

Take a look at the video from today below.

If the video does not play try following this link: <a href=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z04z70LMtn8&feature=share&list=UU97Use8D490EwauUWZA_gUg to watch the video on Youtube.

For more information on the Snake Tracks project and Earthshine Nature Programs please visit us at www.earthshinenature.com

It is our goal at ENP to promote wildlife conservation through exciting hands-on education, outreach programs and online with our nature documentary video series.

I am not paid to operate ENP or to conduct wildlife conservation activities. ENP is a 100% volunteer operated program designed to educate you about these greatly misunderstood and amazing animals and hopefully, to impart to you, their beauty, uniqueness and intrinsic value to a healthy Earth and healthy humans.

If you would like to help support our mission and programs please feel free to donate using this link: http://www.earthshinenature.com/donate. Receipts available upon request. You may also donate supplies such as animal foods, medical supplies, reptile vitamins and habitat supplies. If you are interested in donating any of these items please contact us for more information on our current needs.

THANK YOU Earthshine Discovery Center and all of you who have helped to make Earthshine Nature Programs happen! Without all of you, our wildlife conservation and education mission would not be possible.

Visit the Earthshine Discovery Center to learn how you and your family, school, scout, church, corporate or camp group, can visit us and have a wonderful, fun, and educational retreat!

Music by The Steep Canyon Rangers used with written permission. www.steepcanyon.com

Earthshine Nature Programs is in no way affiliated or responsible for ads that may appear below this line.


Snake Tracks Field Update for 6/20/13

Field update for the Earthshine Nature Programs Snake Tracks Timber rattlesnake conservation project for June 20, 2013.

Zoe has moved about 1/3 of a mile to the south east since I released her a couple of weeks ago after her transmitter surgery.  I am amazed that she has moved so far in such a short time after having major surgery–truly amazing!  Even more amazing is that I  found her in almost the exact location, on almost exactly the same day,  as this time last year!  She was coiled under brush at the edge of a clearing on the mountain above the waterfall only about 50-75 feet from some well drilling machinery!  She looked drab and is possibly getting ready to shed her skin.

Utsanati has moved several hundred feet to the southeast and was on the edge of the power line access-way.   I found him in a resting coil in an area where he could thermoregulate yet remain protected by a log he could retreat under if need be.  He looked beautiful and clean,  as if he has recently shed his skin.

Take a look at the video from today below.

If the video does not play try following this link: http://youtu.be/UPrTQSkbXlY to watch the video on Youtube.

For more information on the Snake Tracks project and Earthshine Nature Programs please visit us at www.earthshinenature.com

It is our goal at ENP to promote wildlife conservation through exciting hands-on education, outreach programs and online with our nature videos.

I am not paid to operate ENP or to conduct wildlife conservation activities. ENP is a 100% volunteer operated project designed to educate you about these greatly misunderstood and amazing animals and hopefully, to impart to you, their beauty, uniqueness and intrinsic value to a healthy Earth and healthy humans.

If you would like to help support Earthshine Nature Programs please feel free to donate using this link: http://www.earthshinenature.com/donate. Receipts available upon request. You may also donate supplies such as animal foods, medical supplies, reptile vitamins and habitat supplies. If you are interested in donating any of these items please contact us for more information on our current needs.

THANK YOU Earthshine Discovery Center and all of you who have helped to make Earthshine Nature Programs happen! Without all of you our wildlife conservation and education mission would not be possible.
Visit the Earthshine Discovery Center to learn how you and your family, school, scout, corporate or camp group, can visit us and have a wonderful fun and educational retreat!

Music by The Steep Canyon Rangers used with written permission. www.steepcanyon.com

Earthshine Nature Programs is in no way affiliated or responsible for ads that may appear below this line.


Snake Tracks SPECIAL EDITION Field Report for Late May-Early June 2013


This Snake Tracks field report is a special edition because we venture out into the forests and fields in search of snakes and turtles with Pierce Curren of Pierce’s Scaly Adventures!


Follow us in this movie length special episode of Snake Tracks and see you can expect to see…


Tracking Jimmy Irwin the Eastern Box Turtle!
Tracking both Zoe and Utsanati the Timber Rattlesnakes!

Capturing both rattlesnakes!!
Taking both snakes to the Veterinarian for radio Transmitter replacement surgery!!

Returning both snakes to their habitats!
Science happening before your eyes!

Genuine naturalists doing what they love–getting cut, scratched, dirty, tired, wet, and chased by dogs in the name of wildlife conservation!

Exciting and informative reptile education for everyone!
Good people making a great and positive difference!


Video by Steve O’Neil and the Curren family of Scaly Adventures www.scalyadventures.com

Special Thanks to Dr. Bolt and Sweeten Creek Animal and Bird Hospital

Pierce & Dr Bolt

Editing by Steve O’Neil http://www.earthshinenature.com

Music by The Steep Canyon Rangers used with permission www.steepcanyon.com

Watch the movie below. If the movie does not play just follow this link to view the movie on Youtube

or cut and paste the following link into your browser: http://youtu.be/DEk9A5mwfNI

A HUGE THANK YOU to the Curren Family of Pierce’s Scaly Adventures for assisting us with the making of this wonderful movie and look for a future posting on this blog with the dates and times for the airing of footage from this adventure on Pierce’s Scaly Adventures on worldwide television at some point in the near future!

Steve with Scaly Adventures Crew

For more information on the Snake Tracks project and Earthshine Nature Programs please visit us at www.earthshinenature.com

It is our goal at ENP to promote wildlife conservation through exciting hands-on education, outreach programs and online with our nature videos.

I am not paid to operate ENP or to conduct wildlife conservation activities. ENP is a 100% volunteer operated project designed to educate you about these greatly misunderstood and amazing animals and hopefully, to impart to you, their beauty, uniqueness and intrinsic value to a healthy Earth and healthy humans.

If you would like to help support Earthshine Nature Programs please feel free to donate using this link: http://www.earthshinenature.com/donate. Receipts available upon request. You may also donate supplies such as animal foods, medical supplies, reptile vitamins and habitat supplies. If you are interested in donating any of these items please contact us for more information on our current needs.

THANK YOU Earthshine Discovery Center and all of you who have helped to make Earthshine Nature Programs happen! Without all of you our wildlife conservation and education mission would not be possible.
Visit the Earthshine Discovery Center to learn how you and your family, school, scout, corporate or camp group, can visit us and have a wonderful fun and educational retreat!

Music by The Steep Canyon Rangers used with written permission. www.steepcanyon.com

Earthshine Nature Programs and Pierce’s Scaly Adventures are in no way affiliated with ads that may appear below this line.


Mad Mountain Mud Run–THE MOVIE!


It has been over two weeks since the Mad Mountain Mud Run, and finally the editing is complete and the video of the mudtastic event is complete!  Follow the Earthshine Nature Nerds from Steve’s helmet mounted GoPro camera as they run, crawl, slide, slosh and squish their way through over three mikes of mud covered obstacles in the name of wildlife and nature conservation and children’s education.

If you are unable to view the video above then follow this link to the video on Youtube.

Thanks to many of you, the Mad Mountain Mud Run Fundraiser was a success for both Earthshine Nature Programs and Hands On! A Child’s Gallery!

If you sponsored us in the mud run, your supporter t-shirts are in the works as I write this and I will be getting them to you soon.

THANK YOU ALL to all of our SUPPORTERS and FRIENDS who worked to help make this unique mud covered fundraiser a great success!  Many, but not all of you were featured on the back of our mud run jersey that we wore in the race!


Without all of you, Earthshine Nature Programs would simply not happen.

If you would like to donate to Earthshine Nature Programs please click here.

Earthshine Nature Programs is not affiliated with any and all ads that may appear below this line.




The Mad Mountain Mud Run is TOMORROW June 1st!  Please come out in support of Earthshine Nature Programs, Hands On and all the runners in this wonderful and fun filled mudtastic event!


To all of you that have already sponsored us in the race!

Without you Earthshine Nature Programs would not happen.

It is not to late to sponsor us in the race–we will gladly take donations before and after the race.  

Please follow this link to make an online donation via PayPal–THANK YOU! 

If this is the first time you are seeing this blog post and you are wondering what this is all about,  below is a full explanation of tomorrows muddy events.

Yes, you heard it right–Earthshine Nature Programs Executive Director Steve O’Neil has formed a mud running team with three of his nature loving friends.  They will be running in the Mad Mountain Mud Run 5K in Hendersonville, NC on Saturday June 1st 2013!

The name of our team is

The Earthshine Nature Nerds

The Nature Nerds are;

Steve O’Neil (captain),

Jenny Geer-Hardwick,

Will Thomas

Steve Atkins

(Hog not included and no animals will be harmed during the mud run)


Our community goal is to run in support of the Hands On A Child’s Gallery based in Hendersonville, NC with our entry fees and afternoon of muddy fun!

Our nerdy nature goal is to run representing Earthshine Nature Programs as our 2013  fundraiser.  To do this we will need to find sponsors that are willing to support Earthshine Nature Programs with a pledge.  Your pledge will provide direct support to our environmental education and conservation programs and projects and it is tax deductible.

Take a look at the course map below for what we have in store for us!  It should be a muddy fun day!


Sponsor Awards

Those who sponsor us for $50 or more will receive your logo or name and weblink* on the ENP supporters website (to be updated after the race) and this blog, and on the back of our custom mud run t-shirt that we will proudly wear during the race (if you sponsor us before May 22th your name/loge will appear on the t-shirt).

Those who sponsor us for $100 or more will receive your logo or name and weblink* on the ENP supporters website and this blog, and your own custom mud run t-shirt–mud not included.

Those who sponsor us for $500 or more will receive your logo or name and weblink* on the ENP supporters website and this blog, your own custom mud run t-shirt,  and one “Honored Supporter” custom made (by Steve) award which includes a certificate of appreciation and small glass vial filled with a small amount of the actual mud from the race course that we will run through on June first

Those who sponsor us for $1000 or more will receive your logo or name and weblink* on the ENP supporters website and this blog, your own custom mud run t-shirt, one “Honored Supporter” custom made (by Steve) award which includes a certificate of appreciation and small glass vial filled with a small amount of the actual mud from the race course that we will run through on June first, and Steve and his animals will come to you and present one of his Misunderstand Wildlife animal shows with live animals at your birthday party, school or other gathering!

*You can opt-out of having your personal/company information publicized on our shirts/websites if you choose.

The nitty gritty muddy dirt of the sponsorship (rules)

If the Earthshine Nature Nerds team completes the race–all sponsored pledges will be collected from the sponsors by June 15th, 2013.  Supporter awards will be awarded within 30 days following the race.

If the Earthshine Nature Nerds team does not complete the race–no donations will be collected unless you choose to support us despite the fact.

If the race is cancelled due to weather or other circumstances beyond our control you may choose to honor your sponsorship agreement or not.  All donations will be used to provide direct support to our environmental conservation projects and programs and it is tax deductible.

If you would like to sponsor our team please contact me and we will make arrangements.

You may sponsor us with either monetary pledges or supplies.  If you would like to pledge supplies please contact us for a list of our current needs.

No matter if you choose to support us or not,  please do come out to Berkley Park and watch all of the mud runners get muddy and have fun for a couple of great causes–the education of children and conservation of wildlife and nature!

If you know anyone who may like to support ENP with a sponsorship or donation please forward this post on to them–THANK YOU!

NOTE: The Nature Nerds will video/photograph their perspective of the race using the latest technology including HD GoPro cameras and more so that their nerdy muddy experience will be able to be shared by all!  A few days following the race look for the video to be posted here on the ENP Nature Blog!



That’s all for now…I need to go train!

Steve O’Neil, ENP Executive Director and Mad Mountain Mud Runner


Contact us using the form below or via this link.

Snake Tracks Field Update for 5-23-13 Utsanati’s Tracks

Field update for the Earthshine Nature Programs Snake Tracks Timber Rattlesnake Conservation project for May 23, 2013.

Today I found Utsanati about 150 feet northeast of his last location.  He was in the middle of the power-line access way, on the  surface in a resting coil.  He never rattled or moved event though I walked to within 3 feet of his location.    I was not able to locate Zoe today.

On May 25th I will locate Zoe and Utsanati and pull them from the field just long enough to replace their transmitters, let them recover and then release them back at their capture locations. I will be sure to get it all on film for you to witness.

Take a look at the video from today below.

For more information on the Snake Tracks project and Earthshine Nature Programs please visit us at www.earthshinenature.com

It is our goal at ENP to promote wildlife conservation through exciting hands-on education, outreach programs and online with our nature videos.

I am not paid to operate ENP or to conduct wildlife conservation activities. ENP is a 100% volunteer operated project designed to educate you about these greatly misunderstood and amazing animals and hopefully, to impart to you, their beauty, uniqueness and intrinsic value to a healthy Earth and healthy humans.

If you would like to help support Earthshine Nature Programs please feel free to donate using this link: http://www.earthshinenature.com/donate. Receipts available upon request. You may also donate supplies such as animal foods, medical supplies, reptile vitamins and habitat supplies. If you are interested in donating any of these items please contact us for more information on our current needs.

THANK YOU Earthshine Discovery Center and all of you who have helped to make Earthshine Nature Programs happen! Without all of you our wildlife conservation and education mission would not be possible.
Visit the Earthshine Discovery Center to learn how you and your family, school, scout, corporate or camp group, can visit us and have a wonderful fun and educational retreat!

Music by The Steep Canyon Rangers used with written permission. www.steepcanyon.com