Snake Tracks and Turtle Tracks Field Update for 7-16-2013

Field update for the Earthshine Nature Programs Snake Tracks Timber Rattlesnake and Turtle Tracks Eastern Box Turtle Conservation projects for July 16, 2013.

Since my last report Utsanati has moved almost .25 mile to the southwest.  He is in an area only about 30-40 feet from the spot where I first discovered him in June of 2011.  He has been in this area of thick herbaceous brush, vines, blackberries and Multiflora rose at the edge of the forest for about three weeks.  I believe he is there because the area offers many great opportunities for food, shelter and thermoregulation.

Zoe has remained in the area of the clearing near the top of the waterfall for the last month.  The well drilling machinery have departed leaving only a quiet clearing for her to thermoregulate, feed and who knows…possibly gestate her young?  I do not know because I have been unable to visually locate Zoe in the last few weeks due to not only her elusiveness but also my schedule allowing me to locate her only late in the day and not being able to visually locate her due to falling light levels.  Hopefully, the next time I locate her she will show herself and I will be able to determine if she is gravid or not.

Jimmy Irwin and Catherine the Eastern Box Turtles continue to follow the same patterns I have found them to follow over the last 5 years. They are both doing well and in good health. Catherine journeyed over the ridge last month to lay her eggs in the neighbors yard. I did not see her nesting but had a report from our neighbor Tom that she was “digging holes on the edge of the driveway” so I can now say with almost 100% certainty that she journeys over the ridge with the sole purpose to nest and lay her eggs. Why does she go almost 1/4 of a mile away? Why does she not nest closer to home where she can find similar environmental conditions an just deposit her eggs on her side of the ridge? Only Catherine knows for sure but I believe that she ventures over the ridge because maybe, just maybe she was born in Tom’s yard over 50 years ago and her instinct tells her to return to that very spot to lay her eggs. Just like a sea turtle returns to the beach of its birth, maybe box turtles return to the area of their birth to lay their eggs? It is just another big question that needs to be answered about the beautiful eastern box turtle that will help turtle conservationists everywhere preserve and protect these wonderful living gems of the forest.

Take a look at the video from today below.

If the video does not play try following this link: <a href=” to watch the video on Youtube.

For more information on the Snake Tracks project and Earthshine Nature Programs please visit us at

It is our goal at ENP to promote wildlife conservation through exciting hands-on education, outreach programs and online with our nature documentary video series.

I am not paid to operate ENP or to conduct wildlife conservation activities. ENP is a 100% volunteer operated program designed to educate you about these greatly misunderstood and amazing animals and hopefully, to impart to you, their beauty, uniqueness and intrinsic value to a healthy Earth and healthy humans.

If you would like to help support our mission and programs please feel free to donate using this link: Receipts available upon request. You may also donate supplies such as animal foods, medical supplies, reptile vitamins and habitat supplies. If you are interested in donating any of these items please contact us for more information on our current needs.

THANK YOU Earthshine Discovery Center and all of you who have helped to make Earthshine Nature Programs happen! Without all of you, our wildlife conservation and education mission would not be possible.

Visit the Earthshine Discovery Center to learn how you and your family, school, scout, church, corporate or camp group, can visit us and have a wonderful, fun, and educational retreat!

Music by The Steep Canyon Rangers used with written permission.

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A Space Oddity–Inspiration from the International Space Station


Commander Chris Hadfield of the Canadian Space Agency recently commanded the International Space Station for several months.  During that time he worked hard all day as the station’s commander and after hours when he could have been sleeping …he recorded dozens of educational videos about life on the station that are all available on Youtube at this link , took hundreds of amazing photographs of earth from orbit (like the one below),

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spoke with countless school students, William Shatner, and the Mythbusters just to name a few about science and following your dreams, tweeted like crazy about his experiences in space on Twitter, collaborated on two different musical endeavors with students across Canada and the Barenaked Ladies and on top of all that he somehow found the time to record the first music video from space–a cover of David Bowie’s A Space Oddity!  

christortYes, that would be a floating space tortilla! (note the speed limit sign!)

Below is just a small sampling of Col. Chris Hadfield’s amazing adventure in space and I highly recommend that you take just a few minuets out of your busy day to watch, learn and hopefully be inspired by his positive use of social networking to go ahead with throttle up and reach for the stars.

…and finally what you have been waiting for: A Space Oddity (truly a MUST SEE epic in my opinion.)

Thank you Col. Chris Hadfield for your great and positive inspiration and passion for life.

Keep up the great work!

Earthshine Nature Programs is in no way responsible for ads that may appear below this line.

Cape Hatteras Lighthouse Didgeridoo–a one of a kind experience!


While on family vacation over the last week of June I visited the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse National Monument. While there I had a wild idea: would it be possible to play my didgeridoo inside the tallest lighthouse in North America! I doubted that the National Park Service would say yes but it never hurts to ask. I did and they said go for it! I could not believe my luck so I grabbed my didgeridoo, followed a ranger inside, set up some cameras and started to play. The video below shows just a small part of my experience. In reality the camera can show only a one dimensional picture of what I have to say was one of the most unique didgeridoo experiences I have ever had–it was a four dimensional experience for sure. The reverberations of my drones off of the inner walls of the cylindrical brick structure were unbelievably haunting and powerful and a musical memory of the highest level for me. Also, as far as the park service rangers knew it was the first time the drones of the didgeridoo have ever been heard in the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse!
Check out the video below for just a taste of my amazing experience. Be sure to turn up the volume!

Special thanks to the National Park Service for making this possible!
